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From Castleton VT, drive east on Main St (rt 4A), turn North on East Hubbarton Rd, then 2.7mi to Belgo Rd.  Turn right here and drive .75 mi to Grandpa Knob Rd.  This leads north up hill to what is now WRTV broadcast station (close to former wind turbine site)

S Morgan Smith Brochure

Rutland Herald articles Feb 1 &19, 2004
(Ursula notes "Wind Turbines,
                          many Pros & Cons in VT")

Rutland Herald Articles Feb 23 thru Mar 8, 2004
(forwarded by Ursula)

Grandpa Knob location on map below:

Lat  43 37 30 +2.4 mi      =        43.658 N lat

Lon  73 07 30  -0.9 mi      =      -73.113 W lon